Ulnar Nerve Management in Complex Elbow Dislocations: A Retrospective Monocentric Study
The ulnar nerve’s unique anatomy makes it vulnerable to complex elbow dislocations. Depending on the nature of the injury, the clinical treatment and outcomes related to the nerve may vary. Unfortunately, the current literature provides limited and fragmented information on managing the ulnar nerve and the incidence of neuropathy in complex elbow dislocations.
Revolutionizing cartilage repair: The role of macrophages and hyaluronic acid in healing injuries
Injuries of the knee resulting in damage to cartilage affect approximately 900,000 Americans annually, resulting in more than 200,000 surgical procedures. These injuries are frequently associated with pain, diminished joint functionality, and reduced quality of life.
Delayed admission of patients with hip fracture from the emergency department is associated with an increased mortality risk and increased length of hospital stay
The aims of this study were to assess whether delayed admission from the ED influenced mortality risk, length of acute hospital stay, risk of developing delirium and return to domicile for patients presenting with a hip fracture.